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Brown, I, Everard M (2015) A working typology of response options to manage environmental change and their scope for complementarity using an Ecosystem Approach. Environmental Science & Policy, 52, 61-73 Brown, I, Berry, P, Everard, M, Firbank, L, Harrison, P, Lundy, L, Quine, C, Rowan, J, Wade, R, Watts, K (2015)Identifying robust response options to manage environmental change using an Ecosystem Approach: a stress-testing case study for the UK. Environmental Science & Policy, 52, 74-88 Brown, I, Castellazzi, M (2015) Changes in climate variability with reference to land quality and agriculture in Scotland. International Journal of Biometeorology, 59, 717-732. Everard, M, Brown, I (2014) Response options: incorporating the Ecosystem Approach into robust and adaptable decision-making. Environmental Scientist, 23(4), 50-55. Brown, I, Castellazzi, M, Feliciano D (2014) Comparing path dependence and spatial targeting of land use in the implementation of climate change responses. 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Reports and Conference Proceedings | |
Gravey, V., Brown, I., Farstad, F., Hartley, S.E., Hejnowicz, A.P., Hicks, K., and Burns, C. (2017) Post-Brexit Policy in the UK: A New Dawn? Agri-environment. ESRC Industrial Strategy Fund. Brown I, Thompson D, Bardgett R, Berry P, Crute I, Morecroft M, Morison J, Pinnegar J, Reeder T, Topp K (2016) UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017: Chapter 3 – Natural Environment and Natural Assets. Munoz-Rojas J, Brown I, Gonzalez-Puente M, Cortines-Garcia F, Proell J, Keay R, Karvouni F (2015) Using landscape services to address trade-offs and synergies in land-use policy and planning. A case study in Scotland. In: Halada, L., Baca, A., Boltižiar, M. (eds.): Landscape and Landscape Ecology. Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Landscape Ecology, Slovakia. Wang, C, Jiang, Y Xie, H, Miller D, Brown I (2016) Development of a Flood Warning Simulation System: A Case Study of 2007 Tewkesbury Flood. E3S Web of Conferences. Brown, I, Harrison, P, Ashley, J, Berry, P, Edwards, K, Everard, M, Firbank, L, Lundy, L, Quine, C, Rowan, J, Wade, R, Walmsley, S (2014) ‘Which response options improve the sustainable delivery of ecosystem services?’ UK National Ecosystem Assessment follow-on. http://uknea.unep-wcmc.org/ Albon, S, Turner, K, Watson, R, Anger, A, Baker, J, Bateman, I, Bentley, S, Blyth, N, Bowles-Newark, N, Brown, I.et al. (2014) UK National Ecosystem Assessment follow on: Synthesis of the Key Findings. Brown, I, Iacob, O, Muir, M, Rowan, JS, Ellis, C (2013). Ecosystem-based adaptation: overcoming barriers to implementation. Procedings of the 1st European Climate Adaptation Conference, Hamburg. Brown, I, Ridder, B.; Alumbaugh, P.; Barnett, C.; Brooks, A.; Duffy, L.; Webbon, C.; Nash, E.; Townend, I.; Black, H.I.A.; Hough, R.L., (2012) UK Climate Change Risk Assessment: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Final report to UK Government. http://randd.defra.gov.uk/ | |
Brown, I, Dunn, S, Matthews, K, Sample, J, Poggio, L, Miller, D (2012) Mapping of water supply-demand deficits with climate change and land use change. Centre of Expertise for Water http://www.crew.ac.uk | |
Brown, I, Gimona, A, Castellazzi, M, Poggio, L, Aitkenhead, M, Brooker, R. (2011) Developing Inventories of Upland Priority Habitats. Report to Scottish Natural Heritage. http://www.snh.gov.uk/publications | |
Booth P, Brown I, Pajot G, Towers W, (2010) Impacts of biomass and bioenergy crops on landscape, land use and the wider environment. Scotland/N. Ireland Forum for Environmental Research (SNIFFER). Slee B, Bergman, H, Brown, I et al (2009) Realising the potential of Scotland’s Rural Land to Deliver Sustainable Economic Growth. Report to the Scottish Government. |
Brown I (2007) The North Pennines: Landscape and Legend.
Older Publications
Brown I. (2006). Modelling future landscape change on coastal floodplains. Environmental Modelling & Software, 21, 1479-1490.
Brown, I., Jude, S., Koukoulas, S., Nicholls, R., Dickson, M. & Walkden, M. (2006). Dynamic simulation and modelling of coastal erosion. Computers, Environment & Urban Systems, 30, 6, 840-860.
Brown, I. (2004) Climate change and future coastal management. In: Green, D.R. (Ed.) Sustainable Coasts: Connecting Science and Policy. pp293-298.
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Brown, I. and Clapperton, C.M. (2002). Physical Geography: Climate, Geology, Geomorphology, Soils. In: Gimmingham, C.H. (ed.): The Ecology, Land Use and Conservation of The Cairngorms. Packard Press. pp8-22
McKenzie Hedger, M. , Gawith, M., Brown, I., Connell, R. & Downing, T. (2000), Climate Change: Assessing the impacts – identifying responses. UKCIP/DETR.
Brown, I, Kidner, D, Ware,M (2002) A multi-scale approach to information transfer in virtual landscapes. In: Fisher, P.F. and Unwin, D.J. (eds) Virtual Reality in Geography. Taylor & Francis.
Brown, I.(1999). Developing a Virtual Reality User Interface (VRUI) for Geographical Information Retrieval on the Internet. Transactions in GIS, 3, 207-220.
Brown, I. (1998). A generic system for integrated modelling of multi-dimensional spatial data. Physics & Chemistry of the Earth 23(3), 285-287.
Brown, I. (1997). A new method for correlation of multiple stratigraphic sequences. Computers and Geosciences, 23 (6), 697-700.
Brown, I. (1994).Former glacial lakes in the Dee valley: origin, drainage and significance. Scottish Journal of Geology, 30, 147-158.
Brown, I. (1993). Pattern of deglaciation of the last Scottish ice sheet: evidence from ice-marginal deposits in the Dee valley, NE Scotland. Journal of Quaternary Science, 8, 235-50.
Brown, I. (1990). Quaternary glaciation of New Guinea. Quaternary Science Reviews, 8, 273-280.